Your Nature Guide

About Jessica
Sessions are guided by Jessica, a qualified and experienced Primary Teacher and Scientist, and lover of the natural world.
Jessica’s Qualifications:
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary)
Graduate Certificate in Steiner Education
I am a Mumma to Juniper, Scientist, Primary Teacher & nature play facilitator. I believe life is a journey of learning and I am currently continuing studies in Steiner Education.
I have always felt a connection to nature and cherish the opportunities I have had working as an aquatic ecologist, splashing around in creeks catching fish and bugs. I also love working with children and seeing their eyes light up in moments of discovery.
Nature play sessions are held at Ironstone Creek Sanctuary, a place Angus, Juni and I are lucky to call our home. Here we cherish the little things… find happiness in growing our own food, love getting to know the creatures that share the land, play in the mud, splash in the creek, experience the wild storms and say goodnight to the big moon. We actively listen to the stories nature tells us and they guide us with a gentle rhythm.
In today’s rapid rate of habitat loss and warming of the planet, I feel an urgency to protect what is left of the natural world for our children. Before we can protect and love something we first need a relationship with it. By building meaningful connections with the natural world, I hope that through conservation we can create a world where today's children will get to see the Great Barrier Reef, experience the rainforest, watch creatures and breathe clean air and drink fresh water.
The Bush Circle began as a little spark of an idea and has slowly grown into a space to provide children and their parents or guardians an opportunity to connect with nature. I love to see children and their parents or guardians connect with nature. It is my hope to inspire young minds to build a relationship with nature, and love and care for our fragile environment. I aim to create opportunities for little people to grow and develop in a supported and kind space. To spark adventure and wonder. I find personal joy in walking alongside my two year old daughter, Juniper, amongst nature - she is in awe of all the little amazing discoveries we make, it is magic in the making! I started The Bush Circle to create a space where every parent and child can have access to this.
Activity sessions at The Bush Circle are inspired by learnings and love of nature, encompass the forest school philosophy, principles and practice and by my recent studies in Steiner Education
I love this quote from Luther Burbank's The Training of the Human Plant:
"Every child should have mud pies, grasshoppers, water bugs, tadpoles, frogs, mud turtles, elderberries, wild strawberries, acorns, chestnuts, trees to climb. Brooks to wade, water lilies, woodchucks, bats, bees, butterflies, various animals to pet, hayfields, pine-cones, rocks to roll, sand, snakes, huckleberries and hornets; and any child who has been deprived of these has been deprived of the best part of education."