Terms & Conditions
Severe weather / fire cancellation policy
Severe weather can pose unnecessary risk to the participants of bush play sessions. In these parts of the world severe weather will likely include thunderstorms, including hail and high wind. Bush fires are also a possibility, sometimes conditions can be conducive to bush fires, for example high wind and low humidity. If the risk of severe weather or bush fire poses a risk, the session may be cancelled in advance and you will be offered credit towards another session, or a make-up session may be organised falling on the same day at a later date.
Occasionally continual wet weather may impact access to the site, making it unsafe. If this is the case you will be offered credit towards another session, or a make-up session may be organised falling on the same day at a later date.
Wet weather policy
Bush play sessions will be held in all weather, unless unsafe to do so. If it is raining activity sessions will go ahead and shelters will be put up. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to be equipped for wet weather conditions with the appropriate clothing.
Cancellation policy
If THE BUSH CIRCLE is required to cancel a session, a refund or make up activity session on the same day will be offered.
For participant cancelation periods, check the terms on the booking system when booking the session. Sometimes the notice period may vary for special events.
No refunds can be given. Make-up sessions (if available) can be offered if a participant cannot make a session due to illness or other circumstance.
If a participant (child or adult) attends an activity session and is deemed to have a contagious sickness, THE BUSH CIRCLE facilitators have the authority to request the participants to go home to keep other children safe. No refund will be offered in such circumstances.
Privacy policy
THE BUSH CIRCLE collects and securely stores information that is entered on the website or when booking a service through the online booking system (Humantix). You may provide basic information such as your name, your child's name, your phone number, address and email address to enable us to send information to you. Every effort is made to protect the confidentiality of personal information, and it will never knowingly be shared with any third party.
THE BUSH CIRCLE operates as a kind and supported space to ensure all children can access nature to grow and develop. Adults are expected to treat children with respect and kindness. Unkind behaviour to children, adults or staff, such as swearing, yelling, bullying or name calling, will not be accepted. THE BUSH CIRCLE has the right to cancel a child's enrolment if the parent/child are unwilling to follow the stated terms and conditions. In this case, a refund may be available if multiple activity sessions were booked.
Permission to receive first aid
Participation in activities can expose children and parents/guardians to risk and possible injuries. By attending activity sessions, you acknowledge this risk and understand that there is a qualified First Aid attendant on site and hereby consent to receive medical treatment, which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident and/or illness during this activity. However, when possible verbal consent to receive first aid will be obtained prior. In the event of any medical attention or costs, the parents/guardians are responsible for covering these costs (e.g., ambulance charges). All staff at THE BUSH CIRCLE possess current childcare first aid (HLTAID012) and CPR training.
Parental supervision
Children are to be accompanied and supervised by a parent/guardian at all times during an activity session. Parents/guardians are encouraged to participate with their child/ren in the activity sessions. The group will be briefed by a staff member regarding site boundaries and safety. It is the responsibility of the accompanying parent/guardian to ensure they are aware of and follow the safety guidelines. A parent/guardian will assume all close activity with their child (e.g.toileting, eating, dressing, applying sun and insect protection and applying routine medication). The accompanying parent/guardian are responsible for the safety and well-being of their child/ren and understand participation in activities should only occur if the parent/guardian or their child/ren are capable of the activity.
Food and water
Parents/guardians are responsible for providing food and drinking water for their children. Visitors are encouraged to bring a nude lunchbox, meaning without single use plastic wrapping.
All visitors are obliged to follow the rules regarding allergies. If THE BUSH CIRCLE staff informs the parents/guardians to avoid a certain allergen in the form of food, it's their responsibility to adhere to that rule. Failure to do so might result in an action taken against the parent/ guardian in order to protect the child with allergies.
Appropriate clothing
It is the parent/guardians responsibility to ensure that their child is dressed appropriately for each activity and weather and acknowledge that information has been provided on the recommended clothing. Closed in shoes are required and long pants are recommended.
Responsibility for personal possessions
Parents/guardians are responsible for their own and child/rens personal possessions before, during and after the program.
Please be considerate when taking photos that may include other people's children. Ask permission if you would like to take a photo with another child in it.
Discounts and offers
Younger siblings (under 2 years old) are invited to participate with their ticketed sibling for free during playgroup sessions. Other discounts are available for multiple children from the same family and for minority groups to promote equality. These are noted on the booking page, otherwise contact the organiser.
Access to THE BUSH CIRCLE is via Ironstone Creek Road, a council managed dirt road. Ironstone Creek Sanctuary is located at the end of the road and a grass carpark is situated at the entrance to the property. A short bush walking track (~200m) is used to access the area where activity sessions are held, this includes rough surfaces and a small section of steep hill with some steps. The walking track may not be suitable for prams or buggies, baby wearing is recommended.
Voluntary Assumption of Risk
While all effort has been made to minimise and remove risks associated with the activities that are conducted at THE BUSH CIRCLE, some inherent risks will remain. Specific risks vary depending on the activity being conducted, and range from minor injuries to major injuries. By voluntarily participating in activities conducted at THE BUSH CIRCLE participants acknowledge the potential risks involved. These risks or dangers may be caused by other participants, by accidents or by natural forces. Participants acknowledge that it is their responsibility to ensure that their child/ren participate in activities that are suitable for his/her development and abilities.
Release of Liability
By booking and attending services provided by THE BUSH CIRCLE, participants understand that the session is voluntary and participate at their own risk and agree to the following:
Participants release, waive, and fully discharge THE BUSH CIRCLE from any and all claims, demands, obligations and liabilities of any kind or nature whatsoever arising from or connected, directly or indirectly, with participation in the nature activity session/s due to any cause whatsoever, including negligence, breach of contract, and breach of any statutory duty of other duty, and accept that this release covers and includes, but is not limited to, all unknown and unforeseen claims, injuries, damages and losses, and any consequences thereof.
This release shall extend to and include THE BUSH CIRCLE and the event organiser, partners, managers, officers, agents, contractors and volunteers including medical and paramedical personnel appointed for the activities, the owners, licensees, and occupiers of land on which the activities or any part of it are conducted or which is involved directly or indirectly with the activities in any manner whatsoever. This release and indemnity continues forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representative and assigns.
By booking and attending activity sessions provided by THE BUSH CIRCLE you are agreeing that you have read this waiver of liability, assumption of risk and indemnity agreement, fully understand its terms and understand that by booking and attending a nature activity session/s you hereby release THE BUSH CIRCLE from any and all liability associated with the program my child/ren is attending.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in contact via the contact page.