What is Nature Play?

Nature play, what's it all about...
There is a growing amount of evidence to suggest that being in nature has a massive benefit to our health and wellbeing. Studies have shown that children who experience and have meaningful connections with wild nature, grow up with a mind set and behaviour to protect the natural world. In order to live in harmony with our planet we need to incorporate the natural world into our lives. Nature play is not only good for the little people, but for everyone!
Unstructured outdoor play helps children develop in so many ways. It is good for physical development, mental and spiritual development. It helps children develop into resilient, healthy, happy, and creative members of the community. But best of all, being close to nature allows us to develop a relationship with it, a meaningful connection, that will last a lifetime.
At The Bush Circle we provide the opportunity for children to be free in the natural world. To connect, tread gently and listen to the story told by the land. Children create their own play using natural features around them, like the rocks, logs and water. At The Bush Circle we aim to provide a wild natural space for everyone, where creation, imagination, learning and exploration takes over.